Chamomile Flowers {Matricaria chamomilla}

Chamomile is a popular remedy used for a variety of ailments including gas, bloating, stress, as a nervous system sedative for cases of insomnia, and more. It is chamomile’s carminative qualities that aid digestive system disturbances related to nervous irritability such as IBS and SIBO. It can also be used topically for wound healing and rheumatic pains.

Family Asteraceae

Habitat Native to Europe northward to Finland and western Asia. Has been naturalized in North America and Australia

Parts Used The whole plant is medicinal + flower before opening

Associated Systems
Female Reproductive System, Male Reproductive System, Urinary System, Digestive System, Nervous System

Nervine, Stomachic

Internal: Nervousness, Irritability, Discontent, Dentition, Susceptibility to ear pain (ear ache, rhumatism, nose, eye, neuralgia), Diarrhea, gas and bloating, Amenorrhea (secondary) with heaviness in uterus. Sudden temper during menopause, Severe dysmenorrhea; Sore, swollen breasts
External: Infusion as a wash for leucorrhea, mammary abscess, mastitis, catarrhal, conjunctivitis, skin irritation, relief for eczema, Mouthwash for mucosal infection

Warnings & Interactions: 1A {Safety Chart}

This monograph does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use.

. Find a complete list of references for this monograph and a review of its evidence based applications in “Naturopathic Botanical Medicine” by Dr. Anthony Godfrey, and Paul Richard Saunders with Kerry Barlow, Cindy Gilbert, Mathew Gowan and Fraser Smith


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