Cinnamon Bark {Cinnamomum verum}

Other names Ceylon cinnamon

Family Lauraceae

Habitat Native to Sri Lanka and India

Parts used Inner peeled bark, oil from bark and leaves

Associated Systems
Respiratory System, Female Reproductive System, Endocrine System, Digestive System

Associated Actions
Respiratory Astringent, Female Reproductive Antiseptic, Endocrine Pancreas Trophorestorative, Digestive Anti-Inflammatory, Digestive Antimicrobial, Digestive Antispasmodic, Digestive Carminative, Digestive Anaesthetic, Digestive Astringent, Digestive Styptic

Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Gastric and duodenal ulcers, Muscle stiffness, Colds, Syndrom X, Doabetes mellitus type 2

Warnings & Interactions: 2bA {Safety Chart}

This monograph does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use. Click here to book your appointment.

. Find a complete list of references for this monograph and a review of its evidence based applications in “Naturopathic Botanical Medicine” by Dr. Anthony Godfrey, and Paul Richard Saunders with Kerry Barlow, Cindy Gilbert, Mathew Gowan and Fraser Smith.
. Teachings by John Redden


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