Hawthorn Flowers {Crataegus oxycanthus}

Like Hawthorne Berries, the leaves and flowers have also been traditionally used as one of the most powerful heart tonic Herbs. Hawthorne Flowers strengthen blood vessels and heal damaged vessel walls. Hawthorn Flowers are indicated for a weak heart with high blood pressure.

Associated Systems
Cardiovascular system, Immune System

Associated Actions
Cardiovascular Cardiotonic, Cardiovascular Hypotensive, Cardiovascular Vascular Tonic, Cardiovascular Coronary Artery Dilator, Cardiovascular Cardio-Active, Cardiovascular Anti-Arrythmic, Immune Anti-Oxidant

Warnings & Interactions: 1A {Safety Chart}

These monographs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use. Click here to book your appointment.



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