Squavine, also commonly known as Partridge Berry, has an affinity for females and is best for its tonic effect on the uterus and ovaries. It has been traditionally used at the end of pregnancy to promote an easy childbirth and topically for sore nipples after breastfeeding. It is also used for painful or delayed menstruation. Squavine can also be to treat insomnia, rheumatism, and fluid retention. Squavine is an astringent and diuretic Herb.
Associated Systems
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive Emmenagogue, Female Reproductive Partus Preparator, Female Reproductive Uterine Tonic
Warnings & Interactions: 1A {Safety Chart}
These monographs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use. Click here to book your appointment.