WISDOM {Womb Harmony}
Botanical Blend



WISDOM is designed to facilitate a remembering of the powers carried within the physical and energetic womb space that we all possess. Fostering a healthy relationship with your monthly cycle is central to a pain-free, balanced, & energetic sacred time.

When to use:

WISDOM may be enjoyed at the onset of &/or throughout your entire cycle to help clear stagnant energy from the womb space, ease PMS symptoms, & balance hormones.


Infusion: Pour 250ml of fresh, boiled water over 1-2 tsp of loose leaf dried Herb. Cover & let steep for ~10-15 minutes. Strain & enjoy! The longer the Herbs steep, the stronger & more potent your tisane will be.


Rose Petals {Rosa centifolia}, Red Clover Blossom {Trifolium pratense}, Borage Herb {Borago officinalis}, Stevia {Stevia rebaudiana}, Hibiscus {Hibiscus rosa-sinensis}, Motherwort Herb {Leonurus cardiaca}, Catnip Leaf & Flowers {Nepeta cataria} , Chaste Tree Berry {Vitex agnus-castus}, Cramp Bark {Viburnum opulus}, Schisandra Berry {Schisandra chinensis}, Red Raspberry Leaf {Rubus idaeus}


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use. Book your consultation here.

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