Wood Betony has an array of healing properties but is most commonly used for headaches and nervous tension. Wood Betony is a sedative, bitter, and astringent Herb. Topically it is used for wound healing.
Associated Systems
Endocrine System, Nervous System
Endocrine Pituitary Trophorestorative, Nervous Analgesic Anodyne, Nervous Relaxant, Nervous Anti-Inflammatory
Warnings & Interactions: 1A {Safety Chart}
These monographs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. It is always advisable to consult with your trusted Herbalist or healthcare professional prior to use. Click here to book your appointment.
. Teachings by John Redden
. https://youarethehealer.org/herbal-medicine/herbs-a-z/listed-by-common-name/betony-stachys-officinalis/